Call for Papers


We invite submissions for consideration on papers relating to the following themes:

· Church, Churches and Christianity in the Chinese context with attention to each of the historical, contemporary and future eras.

· Religion in China in general.

· Chinese religious and philosophical traditions and their interaction with Christianity historically and in the present day.

· The story and continued legacy of missions in China.

· Christian and religious educational institutions in China and Asia.

· Christianity and Buddhism – interaction, dialogue, comparative studies and trajectories

· Asian contextual theologies – especially in Asia, North American, Europe, Oceania

· Asian-American Theology, especially ecclesiological contributions.

· Migration and Christianity

· Multiple Religious belonging in Chinese and Asian contexts.

(P​​aper​s​ on additional themes are also very welcome​).


Please submit an abstract and a brief biography along with your contact details to the online form available here. Please do not submit abstracts to conference organizers by email.

The gathering will have very limited space so we encourage submissions as soon as possible. Deadline for paper submissions: February 29th 2016

Accepted papers can later be expanded and considered for publication in the proceedings of the event – although obviously acceptance of a paper for presentation does not entail acceptance of expanded paper for publication (which will be subject to peer review). All presenters will also be responsible for their own costs, travel and visa arrangements etc. to attend. We regret that the conference organizers cannot offer any assistance or advice with regard to such matters.